Proclamations recognizing Frank Bianco, Bud Clark, Bud Leafdale and Ed Leafdale for their foresight and dedicated contributions for the creation of Veterans Memorial Pointe which celebrates its tenth anniversary.
Whereas, the concept for Veterans Memorial Pointe was envisioned by Rochester Hills employee Ed Leafdale, who with the assistance of a small group of dedicated volunteers, made the idea a reality; and
Whereas, Ed Leafdale spearheaded the plans to create a place to honor all women and men who have served their country in the past, are serving in the present or will serve in the future; and
Whereas, Frank Bianco, Bud Clark, Bud Leafdale and Ed Leafdale worked almost every evening and weekend to build the park in 90 days, just in time to hold the first Veterans Day Ceremony; and
Whereas, Ceremonies are held twice a year on Memorial Day and Veterans Day, and the Pointe has now become a centerpiece that all our residents can enjoy.
Now, therefore, be it resolved, that on the tenth anniversary of the dedication of Veterans Memorial Pointe, the Mayor and City Council of Rochester Hills, hereby recognize Frank Bianco for his hard work, dedication and diligence in providing Rochester Hills with a beautiful park that we can all be proud of.