Request for Approval of the 2005/2006 Master Land Use Plan Distribution Draft as required to be sent to adjacent communities, schools and required State agencies for a 95-day review and comment period
Whereas, the State's Municipal Planning Act, Act 168 of the Public Acts of 1959, as amended, requires that cities update their Master Plans every five years; and
Whereas, a draft of the Plan is required to be sent out for a 95-day review and comment period to surrounding communities and other required agencies; and
Whereas, the 2005/2006 updated draft of the Master Land Use Plan was recommended for approval for distribution by the Rochester Hills Planning Commission at a publicly noticed meeting on June 27, 2006.
Resolved that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby approves the 2005/2006 draft of the Master Land Use Plan for a 95-day distribution period to adjacent communities, the County, schools and State and other agencies registered with the City of Rochester Hills.