Request for Adoption of a Resolution to place newly constructed Marketplace Circle within the City's Major Street System
Whereas, it is necessary to furnish information to the State of Michigan to place said streets within the City Major Street System for the purpose of obtaining funds under Act 51, P.A. 1951 as amended.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved,
1. That the said streets described as: Marketplace Circle; commencing at the East 1/4 corner of Section 30, T3N R11E, thence S 85-45-03 W 1831.36; thence S 04-14-57 E 507.98; thence S 63-06-19 W 52.54; thence N 25-37-45 W 75.02 feet to a point of beginning on the North ROW line of Adams Road (Variable Width); thence along the centerline of Marketplace Circle N 25-37-45 W 501.46 feet; thence 252.72 along the arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a radius 510.00 feet, central angle 28-23-30, a chord that bears N 39-49-30 W, and a chord distance of 250.14; thence N 54-01-15 W 214.73; thence 256.99 along the arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a radius 268.00 feet, central angle 54-56-33, a chord that bears N 81-29-32 W, and a chord distance of 247.26; thence S 71-01-47 W 401.11; thence 460.27 along the arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a radius 318.00 feet, central angle 82-55-48, a chord that bears S 29-33-56 W, and a chord distance of 421.14; thence S 11-53-38 E 81.82; thence 171.89 along the arc of a curve to the right, said curve having a radius 500.00 feet, central angle 19-41-51, a chord that bears S 02-02-42 E, and a chord distance of 71.05; thence S 07-47-53 W 121.81; thence 52.13 along the arc of a curve to the right, said curve having a radius 500.00 feet, central angle 5-58-23, a chord that bears S 10-47-05 W, and a chord distance of 52.10; thence S 13-46-16 W 199.00; thence 44.15 along the arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a radius 480.00 feet, central angle 5-16-14, a chord that bears S 11-08-10 W, and a chord distance of 44.14; thence S 08-30-03 W 113.08 to a Point of Ending on the north line of Adams Road ROW (120 fee wide); said point being N 08-30-03 W 60.00 from centerline of Adams Road for a total centerline distance of 3,006.16 feet as depicted and recorded in Liber 38785 pages 562 through 564, and Liber 39193, pages 229 through 231, Oakland County Records.
2. That said street is located within City right-of-way and are under the control of the City of Rochester Hills, and
3. That said street is certified as public streets and are for public street purposes, and
4. That said street is accepted in the City Major Street System, and
5. That said streets are open for traffic on November 20, 2007 and have been constructed according to City standards.