Request for Approval of a Wetland Use Permit - Villas at Shadow Pines, for impacts to approximately .47 acres for a proposed 28-unit residential development on 9.8 acres located on the north side of South Boulevard between Adams and Crooks, zoned R-4, One Family Residential, Shadow Pines, LLC, Applicant
Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby approves a Wetland Use Permit for the Villas at Shadow Pines, a proposed 28-unit residential development on 9.8 acres, located on South Boulevard, between Adams and Crooks, zoned R-4, One Family Residential, Parcel No. 15-31-400-018, for impacts to approximately .476 acres for the construction of several units, the detention pond and a portion of the roadway and its utilities, based on plans dated received by the Planning and Economic Development Department on April 8, 2014, with the following findings and conditions:
1. Of the approximately 2.4 acres of City-regulated wetlands on site, the applicant is proposing to impact approximately .476 acres.
2. The impacted areas consist of two narrow fingers which extend off the main body of the wetland, and areas at the perimeter of the wetland. Wetland Fill Area 2 is proposed to accommodate a forebay, which is part of the stormwater management system.
3. The applicant has minimized potential wetland impact by incorporating a retaining wall to the north of units 9-11A and along the east side of Trace View Drive.
1. That the applicant receives all applicable DEQ permits prior to issuance of a Land Improvement Permit.
2. That the applicant provides a detailed soil erosion plan with measures sufficient to ensure ample protection of wetlands areas, prior to issuance of a Land Improvement Permit.
3. Investigate the possibility with Staff regarding further reduction of wetland impact by means of constructing a permanent barrier at the limits of the impacts, such as a fieldstone/boulder wall or other decorative and highly visible barrier, prior to Final Approval by Staff.
4. Verification by ASTI that conditions from the April 21, 2014 letter are addressed on revised site plans prior to final approval by Staff.