File #: 2023-0016    Version: 1
Type: Project Status: Passed
File created: 1/11/2023 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: Final action: 1/17/2023
Title: Request for Site Plan Approval - File No. PSP2022-0015 - for the proposed demolition and construction of a new auto detailing building for Jax Kar Wash on the west side of the property, 2714-2728 S. Rochester Rd., located on the west side of Rochester Rd., north of Auburn Rd., zoned B-5 Automotive Service Business with the FB Flex Business Overlay, Parcel 15-27-477-067, Leslie Accardo, PEA Group, Applicant
Attachments: 1. Staff Report 011723.pdf, 2. Reviewed plans Pt. 1.pdf, 3. Reviewed plans Pt. 2.pdf, 4. Application.pdf, 5. EIS.pdf, 6. WRC Letter 071522.pdf


Request for Site Plan Approval - File No. PSP2022-0015 -  for the proposed demolition and construction of a new auto detailing building for Jax Kar Wash on the west side of the property, 2714-2728 S. Rochester Rd., located on the west side of Rochester Rd., north of Auburn Rd., zoned B-5 Automotive Service Business with the FB Flex Business Overlay, Parcel 15-27-477-067, Leslie Accardo, PEA Group, Applicant



Resolved, in the matter of File No. JNRNB2022-0006 (Jax Car Wash) the Planning Commission approves the Site Plan (PSP2022-0015), based on plans received by the Planning Department on December 19, 2022 with the following findings and subject to the following conditions:




1.  The site plan and supporting documents demonstrate that all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, with the exception of the modifications requested, as well as other City Ordinances, standards, and requirements, can be met subject to the conditions noted below.


2.  The proposed project will be accessed from Rochester Rd. and does not propose any new access points, therefore promoting safety and convenience of vehicular traffic both within the site and on Rochester Road by not adding an additional access/conflict point.  


3.  The proposed improvements should have a satisfactory and harmonious relationship with the development on-site as well as existing development in the adjacent vicinity since the proposed building replaces an existing building already onsite.


4.  The proposed development will not have an unreasonably detrimental or injurious effect upon the natural characteristics and features of the site or those of the surrounding area since the proposed building replaces an existing building already onsite and actually proposes new landscaping to bring the site further into compliance with City requirements.


5.  That the modifications as requested by the applicant and identified in the motion for conditional use approval has been found acceptable based on the conditions noted previously. 




1.  Address all applicable comments from other City departments and outside agency review letters, prior to final approval by staff including the submittal of appropriate cross access documents and assuring compliance with noted ADA requirements.


2.  Provide a landscape bond in an amount determined acceptable by the Office of Planning based on a reasonable cost estimate being provided by the applicant, plus inspection fees, prior to the preconstruction meeting with Engineering.


3.  Review appropriate shrub and landscape selection with City administration to ensure long term viability.