Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2009 City Council Goals and Objectives
Resolved that the City Council establishes the following as its Fiscal Year 2009 Goals and Objectives:
To protect the residents, businesses, and visitors of Rochester Hills by providing high quality public safety.
Objective: Identify a community-wide level of public safety service; and the associated costs to deliver such service.
Objective: Review any strategies possible for delivering the current level of service more effectively/efficiently.
Objective: Develop strategies to secure a long-term funding source for Police Services.
Objective: Maintain our focus on providing safe buildings for our community.
To establish policies for fiscal responsibility that ensures short and long-term prosperity thru effective fiscal planning and efficient management of the taxpayers' assets.
Objective: Evaluate non-tax, tax, and structural issues in the City Charter for possible amendment.
Objective: Request that the administration establish a list of identifiable cuts to reduce the operating or non-capital budget by two-percent and provide contingency plans for reduction in revenue.
Objective: Continue the policy of forecasting revenue and budgets for the next five years on a rolling basis.
Objective: Establish an Investment Committee, made up of local investment professionals, to provide guidance, support and oversight of the City's investment process.
Objective: Review depreciation formulas and confirm or modify.
To retain investment, maintain the tax and employment base, support redevelopment, and uphold high property values in the City.
Objective: Implement current systems and processes and develop a seamless system that minimizes time for approvals and eliminates redundancies.
Objective: Implement the new Master Land Use Plan and the new Master Thoroughfare Plan.
Objective: Encourage businesses to take an active role in the local economy.
Objective: Continue to attract businesses that focus on R&D and “High-Tech”.
Objective: Continue support and coordination with OU Inc and SmartZone Initiatives as part of City's attraction and retention program.
Objective: To begin development of a policy for future Brownfield redevelopment.
Objective: Encourage the Mayor's Business Council to provide input and feedback to the city.
Objective: Continue development of Ordinances for maintenance of existing residential and commercial buildings.
To provide reliable, safe and effective infrastructure (roadways, utilities, buildings, etc...) throughout the City.
Objective: Implement the new Master Thoroughfare Plan.
Objective: Sustain the local street program specifically through a targeted repair and replacement program. Maintain funding at 3.5 million from the General Fund in addition to State Act 51 revenue.
Objective: Study and establish a Special Assessment District (SAD) Policy for developing and funding gravel roads to asphalt.
Objective: Establish a neighborhood drain maintenance policy (including sump pump discharge) and study solutions for drain maintenance funding.
Objective: Implement asset management program effectively.
Objective: Establish and implement a long-term street lighting policy.
Objective: Review and implement recommendations from Pathway committee.
Objective: Establish a comprehensive local street policy and develop a short and long term funding strategy.
Objective: Maintain our focus on ensuring that existing and new buildings in the city are safe.
Objective: Develop a comprehensive policy for Conservation Easements.
To preserve Rochester Hills' natural resources and recreational character.
Objective: Implement the Green Space Millage effectively.
Objective: Develop and implement funding strategy for maintenance of acquired Green Space.
Objective: Review the need and feasibility of a Parks Millage.
To protect the family-oriented community from adverse events and conditions by strategic planning and proactive management in all aspects of municipal governance.
Objective: Establish a neighborhood drain maintenance policy (including a sump pump discharge policy) and study solutions for drain maintenance funding.
Objective: Implement a comprehensive strategic plan with the administration that is reviewed on an annual basis.
Objective: Study and make recommendation(s) to reduce the adverse impact of the deer population in the City.
Objective: Implement code enforcement/blight ordinance effectively to preserve existing neighborhoods.
Objective: Maintain strong relationships with homeowner associations to further neighborhood stability and to make the community a better place to live.
To promote effective communication between City Council, administration residents, businesses, and visitors so that decisions reflect the community's desires and expectations.
Objective: Maintain openness and transparency in conducting City business by way of cable broadcast and web cast of City Council meetings, and accessibility to City documents.
Objective: Engage residents through outreach in the decision making process and encourage community participation and involvement by focusing on committee recruitment.
Objective: Inform residents through various media and personal interaction on the numerous issues that affect quality of life.
Objective: Involve youth in leadership growth and in the development of City's future by way of encouraging their participation on the Rochester Hills Government Youth Council.
Objective: Develop a recognition program for resident service on City boards, commissions, committees and other acts of volunteerism.
Objective: Utilize web and technology to further enhance communication with residents and allow for online delivery of certain services.
Objective: Develop a policy to obtain public input via a community survey.
To provide clear policy direction to the administration for the execution of City programs and services.
Objective: Implement a comprehensive strategic plan with the administration that is reviewed on an annual basis.
Objective: Explore opportunities for new public/private partnerships, and possibilities for consolidation of City services.
Objective: Explore privatization of certain city functions and develop a plan of action for implementation.
Objective: Promote cooperative purchases with other communities as a means to obtain the best price possible.
Objective: Implement records management program to improve institutional memory.
Objective: Continue improvement of communication between Mayor, administration and City Council.
Objective: Communicate the City’s vision, mission, goals and objectives effectively to all City staff and link them to organizational culture and individual performance expectations.
Objective: To promote conservation of water, electricity, etc.
Objective: To move towards a more green city - not only city hall and facilities but promotion within the community and businesses and which businesses we attract.