File #: 2023-0281    Version: 1
Type: Project Status: Passed
File created: 6/6/2023 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: Final action: 6/20/2023
Title: Request for Site Plan Approval - File No. PSP2022-0009 - for building additions, facade alterations and site improvements at the proposed Juan Blanco's restaurant, 1655 E. Auburn Rd., zoned BD Brooklands District, Parcel No. 15-25-457-025, Alisha Robinson, Architectural Planners Inc., Applicant
Attachments: 1. Staff Report 062023 Final.pdf, 2. Reviewed plans.pdf, 3. Development application.pdf, 4. EIS.pdf, 5. Geotechnical Investigation.pdf, 6. Engineers estimate.pdf, 7. Lighting specifications.pdf, 8. Menu.pdf, 9. Hydrant flow test.pdf, 10. WRC Letter 052722.pdf


Request for Site Plan Approval - File No. PSP2022-0009 - for building additions, facade alterations and site improvements at the proposed Juan Blanco's restaurant, 1655 E. Auburn Rd., zoned BD Brooklands District, Parcel No. 15-25-457-025, Alisha Robinson, Architectural Planners Inc., Applicant



Resolved, in the matter of File No. PSP2022-0009 (Juan Blanco's Restaurant), the Planning Commission approves the Site Plan, based on plans dated received by the Planning Department on May 10, 2023, with the ancillary updated drawings and flow test information, with the following findings and subject to the following conditions.




1.  The site plan and supporting documents demonstrate that all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, as well as other City Ordinances, standards, and requirements, can be met subject to the conditions noted below.


2.  The proposed project will be accessed from Auburn Road, Longview Ave. and the abutting rear alley, thereby promoting safety and convenience of vehicular traffic both within the site and on adjoining streets.


3.  Off-street and on-street parking areas have been designed to avoid common traffic problems and promote customer safety.


4.  The proposed building and site improvements should have a satisfactory and harmonious relationship with the development on-site as well as existing development in the adjacent vicinity.


5.  The proposed development will not have an unreasonably detrimental or injurious effect upon the natural characteristics and features of the site or those of the surrounding area.




1.  Address all applicable comments from other City departments and outside agency review letters, prior to final approval by staff including all comments noted on the site plans contained within the Planning Commission packets and any additional comments from the Planning Commission to provide buffering for the northern adjacent residential property.


2.  Provide a landscaping bond in an appropriate amount as approved by the Planning Department, based on a cost estimate for landscaping and irrigation, plus inspection fees, as adjusted as necessary by staff prior to temporary grade certification being issued by Engineering.


3.  That additional landscape screening along the northern property line that is deemed to be sufficient by City Staff and at least a six (6) ft. high fence be provided to buffer the residential property to the north. The remainder of the area is to be roped off to contain patrons to the backyard gaming area.


4.  The backyard gaming area to be closed by 10:00 p.m. daily.


5.  No amplified music, no musical bands or events are allowed in the backyard gaming area.


6.  Activities in the backyard gaming area are to be limited to cornhole games.


7.  No seating is to be provided in the backyard gaming area, only tables and umbrellas.


8.  No murals are permitted on the outside of the building.


9.  Signage is to be placed to direct patrons to overflow parking areas, including existing city parking lots.


10. Revise the lighting at the rear of the building/backyard gaming area to match the intensity of the lighting at the front of the site, if compliant with ADA requirements.