Request for Conditional Use approval to operate a child care center within the R-4 One Family Residential District at the proposed Primrose School, located on the east side of Rochester Rd. and north of Eddington Blvd., Parcel No. 15-23-301-018, zoned R-4 One Family Residential with an FB Flex Business Overlay, Becky Klein, PEA Group, Applicant
Resolved, that the Rochester Hills City Council hereby approves the Conditional Use to allow a child day care facility on the parcel 70-15-23-301-018 (S. Rochester Road), based on plans received by the Planning Department on July 25, 2023, with the following findings and subject to the following conditions.
1. The use will promote the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance.
2. The site has been designed and is proposed to be operated, maintained, and managed so as to be compatible, harmonious, and appropriate in appearance with the existing and planned character of the general vicinity, adjacent uses of land, and the capacity of public services and facilities affected by the use.
3. The proposal will have a positive impact on the community as a whole and the surrounding area by further offering child day care options along with additional job opportunities.
4. The proposed development is served adequately by essential public facilities and services, such as highways, streets, police and fire protection, water and sewer, drainage ways, and refuse disposal.
5. The proposed development will not be detrimental, hazardous, or disturbing to existing or future neighboring land uses, persons, property, or the public welfare.
6. The proposal will not create additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services that will be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community.
1. The use shall remain consistent with the facts and information presented to the City as a part of the applicant’s application and at the public hearing.
2. That the use obtain, operate and comply with all State licensing and requirements pertinent to child care facilities.
3. If, in the determination of City staff, the intensity of the operation changes or increases, in terms of traffic, queuing, noise, hours, lighting, odor, or other aspects that may cause adverse off-site impact, City staff may require and order the conditional use approval to be remanded to the Planning Commission and City Council as necessary for re-examination of the conditional use approval and conditions for possible revocation, modification or supplementation.