File #: 2006-0826    Version:
Type: Policy Status: Passed
File created: 11/10/2006 In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: Final action: 11/29/2006
Title: Adoption of Amendments to City Council Rules of Procedure
Attachments: 1. Agenda Summary.pdf, 2. Rules of Procedure 112006.pdf, 3. 111506 Agenda Summary.pdf, 4. 0826 Resolution.pdf


Adoption of Amendments to City Council Rules of Procedure



Resolved that the Rochester Hills City Council amends its City Council Rules of Procedure as follows:


Article II.  General Rules


                     Section .04  Journal of Proceedings:


                     (a)                     The City Clerk shall keep a permanent record of all City Council Proceedings in the City's Official Minutes Books.  Once approved, these Minutes are the official records of the actions of City Council


                                          (i)                     Audio tape recordings shall be made for each public meeting by the Clerk or his/her designee except for Special Meetings, which are specifically held to adopt a Resolution to convene to Closed Session.  The tape recordings shall be retained for at least one (1) year and one (1) day following the meeting.                     


                                          (ii)                     a.                     All Regular Council Meetings and Regular Work Sessions shall be broadcast over cable television


                                                               b.                     The Council President shall determine if a regularly scheduled Work Session will be broadcast over cable television as the Work Session's respective Agenda Review meeting.  If it is determined that a Work Session is be broadcast, the meeting will be held in the City Hall Auditorium.  If the Work Session is not to be broadcast, it may be held in the City Council Conference Room or other location deemed best to meet the needs of the meeting.


                                          (iii)                     Video Digital recordings shall be made for each regularly scheduled meeting, unless otherwise specified by the Council President pursuant to Section .01(i)(b).  The tapes recordings shall be retained for at least three (3) months.


                     (b)                     The City Clerk shall keep Minutes of Closed Sessions by such Minutes shall not be available for public inspection and may only be disclosed by order of a Court.  These Minutes shall be destroyed one (1) year and one (1) day after the date of the Closed Session.


Article III.  Meetings of Council


                     Section .02                     Regular Meetings:


                     (a)                     Regular Meetings of the Council shall be held on the first second and third fourth Wednesdays of each month, except for the month of December where the Regular Meeting will be held on the first second Wednesday of the month.  No meeting shall be held on the Wednesday immediately preceding Thanksgiving in November or on the four Wednesday in December, or on any legal holiday.


                     Section .03  Work Sessions:


                     (a)                     Work Sessions shall be held on the fourth first and third Wednesday of each month, except for the month of December when no the Work Session will be scheduled held only on the first Wednesday of the month.  No meeting meeting  Work Session shall be held on the Wednesday immediately preceding Thanksgiving in November or on the fourth Wednesday in December, or on ay legal holiday.


                     Section .04  Special Meetings:


                     (b)                     Notice of the Special Meeting shall be prepared in writing by the Clerk or his/her designee, containing the following information:  date, time  and place, business is to be transacted and the purpose of the meeting and be posted at least eighteen (18) hours prior to the scheduled starting time of the Meeting in accordance with the Open Meetings Act.


Article IV.  Council Officers and Duties


                     Section .03  Duties of Council Officers:


                     (a)                     The President shall:


                                          (xii)                     Review monthly Council meeting attendance sheets pursuant to Council Attendance/Per Diem Compensation Policy adopted May 3, 2006


                                          (xii)(xiii)  Act as representative of the Council at various functions.


                                          (xiii)(xiv) Perform such duties as may be directed by the Council.


                     (b)                     The Vice President


                                          (ii)                     Shall serve as Council's liaison to the Rochester Hills Government Youth Council (RHGYC).


Article V.  Order of Business and Agenda


                     Section .01  Order of Business:


                     (b)                     Work Sessions


                                          Call to Order

                                          Roll Call

                                          Pledge of Allegiance

                                          Review of Agenda

                                          Public Comments

                                          Legislative and Administrative Comments


                                          City Council

                                          Comments and Announcements

                                          Any Other Business

                                          Next Meeting Date



                     Section .02  Agenda


                     (a)                     Regular Meeting Agenda:


                                          (v)                     Agenda Summary Reports


                                                               1)                     Agenda Summary Reports will be included in the Agenda Packet for each Agenda item.  Every Agenda Item in the Agenda Packet shall contain an Agenda Summary Sheet, a proposed resolution if action is being requested and any additional back-up information that may be deemed necessary.


                                          (vi)                     Each Regular Meeting Agenda shall contain the following an item entitled "public Comments" at which time any person may speak on any subjection that does not appear on the Meeting Agenda.


                                                               1)                     An item entitled "Approval of Agenda at which time any council Member shall have the option of changing the Agenda, deleting any item from the Agenda or deferring an item on the Agenda to a subsequent Regular Council Meeting by a majority vote.


                                                               2)                     An item entitled "Public Comments" at which time any person may speak on any subject that does not appear on the Meeting Agenda.


                                                               3)                     An item entitled "Any Other Business" at which time any Council Member may discuss any matter that does not appear on the Meeting Agenda.


                                          (vii)                     Each Regular Meeting Agenda shall contain any item entitled "Any Other Business" at which time any Council Member may discuss any matter that does not appear on the Meeting Agenda.  Regular Meeting Agendas may include a Consent Agenda which includes the following:


                                                               1)                     All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and non-controversial in nature and will be enacted by one (1) motion, without discussion.


                                                               2)                     Such items include, but are not limited to, approval of minutes, purchase authorizations, approval of recognition resolutions. approval of agreements, grants of easements, final ready and adoption of ordinances, etc.


                                                               3)                     If any Council Member or citizen requests discussion of an item, it will be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion.


                                                               4)                     If an Item is removed from the Consent Agenda, it shall be considered immediately after the approval of the Consent Agenda.


                                          (viii)                     Each Regular Meeting Agenda shall contain an item entitled "Approval of Agenda" at which time any Council Member shall have the option of changing the Agenda deleting any time from the Agenda or deferring an item on the Agenda to a subsequent Regular Council Meeting by a majority vote.


                     (b)                     Consent Agenda Work Session Agenda:


                                          (i)                     All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and non-controversial in nature and will be enacted by one (1) motion, without discussion.


                                          (ii)                     Such items include, but are not limited to, approval of minutes, purchase authorizations, approval of recognition resolutions. approval of agreements, grants of easements, final ready and adoption of ordinances, etc.


                                          (iii)                     If any Council Member or citizen requests discussion of an item, it will be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion.


                                          (iv)                     If an Item is removed from the Consent Agenda, it shall be considered immediately after the approval of the Consent Agenda.


                                          (i)                     The President shall be responsible for the preparation of an Agenda for each Work Session and shall consider for inclusion on the Agenda items submitted by the Mayor, any Council Member or any member of the public.


                                          (ii)                     The City Clerk shall be responsible for causing an Agenda Packet to be prepared, which shall be available to each Council Member for pickup at a place designated by Council by 5:00 PM on the Friday preceding each Work Session.  A copy of the Agenda Packet shall be forwarded to the Rochester Hills Public Library and the Mayor's Office.  The City Clerk shall also make copies available to the news media.


                                          (iii)                     Any Council Member, other City official or other person may supplement the materials dealing with any agenda item prior to or at the public meeting for which the Agenda has been prepared.


                                          (iv)                     Agenda items from Council Members should be filed with the City Clerk.  Requested items will appear on the next available agenda within three (3) meetings after the request is made.


                                          (v)                     Agenda Summary Reports


                                                               (1)                     Agenda Summary Reports will be included in the Agenda Packet for each Agenda Item.


                                                               (2)                     Any item listed on the Agenda for which an Agenda summary Report has not been included will automatically be continued to the next Regular Work Session


                                          (vi)                     Each Work Session Agenda shall contain the following:


                                                               (1)                     An item entitled "Review of Agenda"


                                                               2)                     An item entitled "Public Comments" at which time any person may speak on any subject that does not appear on the Meeting Agenda.


                                                               3)                     An item entitled "Any Other Business" at which time any Council Member may discuss any matter that does not appear on the Meeting Agenda.


                     Section .03  Discussion Items:


                                          (iv)                     Rules of Debate for Regular Meetings:


1)                     The Chair shall recognize all Members wishing to speak until there are no more requests for the floor.


2)                     When there is a motion on the floor, the maker of the motion shall be afforded the first opportunity to speak on that motion.


3)                     A Member may not speak against his/her own motion, but may vote against it.


4)                     Once the Motion is on the floor for any particular issue, each Member shall have three (3) opportunities to debate the issue for a maximum of five (5) minutes per opportunity, for a total of fifteen (15) minutes.


5)                     A Member may yield the floor temporarily, through the Chair, in order to obtain information/input directly related to the issue, without relinquishing the right to retain the floor. 


6)                     A Member who has the floor shall indicate to the Chair when he/she is finished speaking.


7)                     At the conclusion of debate by Members, the Chair shall have the floor to provide his/her comments about the item under discussion.


8)                     Once it has been determined that no further discussion will take place, the Chair shall close discussion and proceed to the vote, or next agenda item.  Once discussion is closed on an item, no Member shall be recognized to speak on that item, including the Chair, administrative staff or Mayor.


9)                     Call the Question.


a)                     The motion to Call the Question cannot be made while someone is speaking.


b)                     A Member, after being recognized by the Chair, may make a motion to close debate (Call the Question).  The motion needs a second.


c)                     The Chair, prior to restating the motion, may provide comment on the issue under discussion.  Upon conclusion, the Chair must state the motion to Call the Question which must be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Council without further discussion.


d)                     Upon passage, the Chair shall have Council proceed with the vote of the motion under debate.


10)                     The Mayor, or his/her designee, shall be allowed to participate in debate in accordance with the Rules of Debate established by Council.


11)                     The Rules of Debate may be changed by resolution by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Council at the beginning of debate for any agenda item or at the beginning of the Council Meeting.


1)                     The President shall recognize all Members of Council wishing to speak until there is a motion on the floor.


2)                     When an agenda item has been the subject of a Work Session discussion item the President may request a motion from the floor in order to start debate.


3)                     When there is a motion on the floor, the maker of the motion shall have the first opportunity to speak on that motion.


4)                     Once the motion is on the floor for any particular item, each Member shall have one opportunity to debate the motion or discuss the issue for a maximum of five (5) minutes.


5)                     A Member who has the floor shall indicate when he/she is finished speaking.


6)                     A Member may request an extension of debate for all Members with one additional opportunity to speak for a maximum of three (3) minutes.  Such request shall be granted by the President unless it is objected to by a Member.


7)                     The mayor or designee, shall be allowed to participate in debate in accordance with these Rules of Debate in place.


8)                     The Rules of Debate may be changed by resolution by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Council at the beginning of the debate.


(v)                     Rules of Discussion for Work Sessions


                     1)                     Work Sessions are intended to be less formal meetings designed to promote discussion of policies and                      issues, answering questions, requesting information among Council Members, Administration                      representatives and the public including applicants.


2)                     The President shall recognize all Members of Council wishing to speak until there are no more requests or a time designated for discussion has expired.


3)                     The President shall recognize all members of the public requesting the opportunity to speak on an agenda item using the Speakers Request Form and may recognize the same and additional members of the public subsequently during the Council discussion.


4)                     At the conclusion of discussion of an agenda item, the President may request a consensus from the Council whether the item may be placed on the next or subsequent Regular Meeting.  The result of the request is not considered a decision under these Rules of Procedure, but may be considered guidance with respect to the setting of agendas.


                     Section .04  Minutes


                     (a)                     Regular and Special Meetings and Regular and Special Work Sessions:


                                          (i)                     A journal of the proceedings of each Regular and Special Meeting and Regular and Special Work Sessions shall be kept in the English language by the City Clerk and shall be signed by the City Clerk and City Council President upon approval by Council.


                                          (v)                     Minutes shall be made available to the public and c Corrections in minutes shall be made in accordance with the Open Meetings Act.  Corrected minutes shall show both the original entry and the correction.


Article VII.  Boards, Commissions and Committees


                     Section .01  Boards and Commissions:


                                          (v)                     Upon completion of the vote, Council shall adopt a resolution appointing the nominee to the position including the Board/Commission/Committee and term of appointment.


                     Section .02  Committees of Council  Technical Review Committees of Council


                     (a)                     The Council may, from time to time, establish Committees for the purpose of assisting the Council in carrying out its duties.  Committees shall be established by Council resolution setting forth the following:


                     (i)                     Request for the formation of a Committee may be made by City Council Members, the Administration or the public.


                     (ii)                     Council will consider each request and make a determination whether a Committee will be created and whether the Committee will be created immediately or at some time in the future.


                     (iii)                     Committees shall be established by Council resolution setting for the following:


                                                                                    1)                     Purpose and Charge



                     (i)a.                     Charge/responsibility of the Committee.


                     (ii)b.                     Expected results including, but not limited to, time line.


                     (iii)2)                     Membership and selection, including number of members, solicitation of members and qualifications of members.


                     1)a.                     Each committee shall include at least two (2) and not more than three (3) Council Members.


                     2)b.                     Committees may include citizen members which shall be appointed by Council.


                     3)c.                     Committees may include Administrative Staff Members which shall be appointed by the Mayor.


                     4)d.                     Committees may include one (1) Rochester Hills Government Youth Council (RHGYC) Representative selected by the Youth Council


                                                                                                         (iv)e.                     Term of appointment, where appropriate


                                                                                    3)                     All recommendations from Committees to City Council shall follow the same procedures for placement on a City Council Agenda as outlined in Article V, Section .02.


                                                                                    4)                     Upon creation of a Committee, the Administration will determine which Department is responsible for coordinating the meetings and maintaining the "notes" for the meeting.


                                                                                    5)                     The City Clerk or his/her designee will be responsible for ensuring that all Committee Meetings are noticed and agendas posted.


                     Section .03  City Council Communication Committees:


                     (a)                     The City Council establishes the following City Council Communications Committees: 


                                          (i)                     Purpose/Charge


                                                               1)                     ADMINISTRATION & INFORMATION SERVICES COMMITTEE (AIS), whose purpose shall be to review policy matters of general government and information services, including such issues as: communications, information technology, salaries and per diem, Class C Liquor licenses, elections, and municipal organizations.


                                                               2)                     COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & VIABILITY COMMITTEE (CDV), whose purpose shall be to review policy matters of community development and viability, including such issues as: land development and maintenance, economic development and maintenance, and infrastructure development and maintenance.


                                                               3)                     FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (FS), whose purpose shall be to review financial policy matters, including:  budget issues, capital improvement plan, long-term financial planning, millage rates, water and sewer rates, fees, charges, and grants


                                                               4)                     LEISURE ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE (LA), whose purpose shall be to review policy matters of leisure activities, including such issues as: City parks, Museum, Environmental Education Center, community events, and interlocal recreational facilities and programs.


                                                               5)                     PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (PS), whose purpose shall be to review policy matters of public safety, including:  fire protection, police protection, emergency medical service, traffic and pedestrian safety, and emergency planning and operations.


                                          (ii)                     Membership and Selection


                                                               1)                     Committee Members shall be appointed by the Council.


                                                               2)                     Each Committee's membership shall consist of three (3) Members of the City Council to be appointed by City Council each year, two (2) citizen members to be appointed by City Council to one (1) year terms, members of the Administration, to be appointed by the Mayor and a maximum of three (3) Rochester Hills Government Youth Council (RHGYC) Members appointed by the RHGYC.  The three (3) Council Members and the two (2) citizen members shall be the only voting members of the Committees. 


                                                               3)                     Council Members shall be appointed to Committees for one (1) year terms that expire on December 31 of the appropriate year; except, in the event a Member's term in office ends, the Committee Membership will expire when the Member leaves office.


                                                               4)                     Citizen members to the Committee shall be appointed by Council and shall serve for one (1) year terms expiring on December 31 of the appropriate year.  Appointments shall be made as provided in Article VII, Section 02.a (i) through (iv).


                                                                                    a)                     In the event of a vacant citizen seat, City Council shall appoint a new citizen member to serve the remainder of the term


                                                               5)                     RHGYC Members shall be appointed by the RHGYC at their October monthly meeting and serve a one (1) year term commencing in October and ending in August to coincide with the school year.  RHGYC Members are required to attend a minimum of one (1) meeting per quarter.


                                                               6)                     Any Committee Member shall be eligible for reappointment


                                                               7)                     Committee Members except for the RHGYC Members shall be appointed to Committees no later than the last Council meeting in December, such appointments to be made in accordance with the following:


                                                                                    a)                     The President may submit a list of nominees.


                                                                                    b)                     Any Council Member may make additional nominations with no second being required.


                                                                                    c)                     Nominees shall be voted on as provided in Section .01.


                                          (iii)                     Miscellaneous


                                                               1)                     The City Council may refer to the Committee policy matters and the Committees shall have the responsibility of reviewing and making progress reports and final recommendations to City Council on those policy matters. 


                                                               2)                     The Mayor and Administrative Staff may also bring issues to the Committees; and the Committees shall have the responsibility of reviewing, discussing, and advising the Mayor and Administrative Staff about those issues.


                                                               3)                     The Committees shall not be limited to issues referred to them and may discuss and make recommendations to the City Council on any policy matters within the purview of the Committees. 


                                                               4)                     Records of Committee meetings shall be made and retained by way of audiotape for one (1) year and one (1) day.  The audiotape will be transcribed including all speaking members of the meeting who are recognized by the Chair, and say their names before speaking. 


                                                               5)                     Each Committee shall provide factual information upon their investigation, study and review of all matters.  Such information will be provided to the City Council to assist them in making a decision. 


Article VIII.  Citizens' Rights


                     Section .06  Written Communication:


                     (a)                     Interested parties or their authorized representatives may address the Council in writing through letters or email regarding any matter listed on the Agenda.   copies will be distributed to Council Members by the Clerk's Office.  Council discourages reading letters for the record and encourages personal appearances at Council meetings.


                                          (i)                     Communication received prior to a City Council meeting.


                                                               (a)                     Written communications received by 4:00 PM on the date of a Council meeting shall be documented with a receipt time and date by the City Clerk and will be copied and provided to City Council as Supplemental Information.


                                                               (b)                     At the City Council meeting under the respective item, the President of Council or the City Clerk shall summarize the letters and other communications.


                                          (ii)                     Communications received during a City Council meeting                     


                                                               (a)                     Any written correspondence or other materials received at a City Council Meeting shall be documented with a receipt time and date by the City Clerk,  read into the record and distributed as indicated.


                                                               (b)                      If  the Clerk does not receive a copy of the written submittal it shall not be incorporated as part of the official record.   In order to be incorporated as part of the record, written communications must be received by the City Clerk.